The following are summaries of stories from the Community Power Report, which regularly posts stories on community-based renewable energy projects taking place around the world.
Scotland meets 500MW target, 5 years in advance
October 9th, 2015
Scotland’s government has successfully met its target of 500MW of renewable energy sources, 5 years early. The original target was set for 2020, however the country has surpassed its target, reaching a total of 508 MW of renewable energy projects in 2015.
Scotland has focused its efforts in developing community-based projects, and views these projects as answers to many of the issues that arise from traditional energy sources such as security and supply of energy. Energy Minister, Fergus Ewing, hopes Scotland will continue to take the lead in community energy development.
Read more here.
100% Solar-powered, a small village in India.
October 4th, 2015
The small village of Baripatha, Odisha becomes the first village in the state to use solar power. The village of approximately 350 residents has made this possible with a model that practices low-cost, low-maintenance and community based ownership.
This project was made possible through solar manufacturer ECCO Electronics, and a power solutions provider, Jakson Group. Each home has been equipped with solar units that supply two LED lamps, along with a one-kilowatt unit that powers eight street lamps, and a LED TV set in the community center. Community members have been active throughout the entire planning process, which was a large factor in the success of the project.
Read more here.
First Nations community gets solar power for health centre
September 9th, 2015
The Lubicon Lake First Nation community of Little Buffalo celebrated harvesting solar power for its community health centre in September. An 80-panel, 20.8 kW solar electricity system was installed to supply enough electricity to power the health center, and feed excess power back into the grid. Greenpeace climate/energy campaigner and community member, Melina Laboucan-Massimo, hopes this will be one of many renewable energy projects to be deployed by remote communities in Canada. The community owned project was made possible with a donation of $45,000 by Bullfrog Power, Honor the Earth Foundation and actor/environmentalist Jane Fonda.
Read more here.
Image of Scottish Energy Minister, Fergus Ewing: Flickr user “Scottish Government”, licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
Image of solar units in Baripatha: The Times of India- “Odisha gets its 1st 100% solar-powered village”
Image of solar panel at Lubicon Lake First Nation community: Edmonton Journal- “Northern Alberta First Nation Gets Solar Power for Health Centre”
Header Image: Flickr user “Barefoot Photographers of Tilonia”, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0