COP21 Updates Part II: Lima-Paris Action Agenda, Mission Innovation and Optimism in Paris

Today’s theme in Paris is all about resilience and farmers.

The Lima-Paris Action Agenda (which aims to capitalize on the invitation to the incoming Presidencies of the COP to enhance the implementation of climate action) released:

Paris Pact on Water and Climate Change Adaptation

  • A financial commitment by India to build climate resilience through improved groundwater management.
  • In the Niger Basin (9 African countries involved), the launch of a 10-year investment plan to strengthen resilience to climate change, with financial support from the World Bank/IDA, WAEMU, KfW, GEF and the countries themselves.
  • In Jordan, Lebanon, Monaco, Morocco, Spain and Tunisia, a 7-year commitment under the Mediterranean Water Platform to assess the state and trends of water resources, supported by the European commission.
  • In Morocco, a project to increase resilience of the agriculture sector through improved irrigation practice, with financing from IBRD and the Kingdom of Morocco.
  • In Mexico: 4-year collaboration to improve management of water resources and water services in the Mexico Valley.
  • In Peru, Ecuador, Brazil and Colombia, program Ecocuencas, a 3-year commitment to a financial mechanism for adaptation to climate change in river basins, supported by the European commission.
  • In China, a 3-year commitment to improve management of the Hai river basin, supported by France.
  • In central Africa in the Basin of Congo, the launch of a hydrological and meteorological monitoring program benefiting over 160 million citizens, with financing from AFD

Source: LPAA (2015). Paris Pact on Water and Climate Change Adaptation Announced [Press release]. Retrieved from:

New international initiatives increase resilience, protecting millions of people

  • Early Warning systems for over 50 least developed countries and small island states
  • Providing access to insurance to 400 million vulnerable people in 5 years
  • Increase resilience for local communities in the Sahara and Sahel
  • US$ 150 million partnership looks to mobilize more funding for Africa and Asia
  • EU mobilizes €125 million for countries affected by ‘El Niño’
  • UN initiative strengthens ability to anticipate, absorb and “reshape” climate impacts

Source: LPAA (2015). New International Initiatives Increase Resilience Protecting Millions of People [Press release]. Retrieved from:

Bill Gates announced creation of Breakthrough Energy Coalition

A global group of private investors committed to “early-stage investing in potentially transformative energy systems” with “near zero carbon emissions.” This included billionaire Bill Gates, who pledged $1 billion in private investment to Mission Innovation.

Mission Innovation

Through Mission Innovation, Canada will work with global partners to promote cleaner energy and better environmental outcomes that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

As part of the Canadian government’s efforts to promote a clean environment and a strong economy, Canada is committed to investing an additional $100 million each year in clean technology producers and tackling Canada’s most pressing environmental challenges. The government will also invest an additional $200 million each year to support innovation and the use of clean technologies in the natural resources sector. Clean energy research and development will be one of the areas of focus.

Read more at:

Last but not least…

Optimism is growing at COP 21!


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