The following is a guest post from SolarShare on the various options available for property owners who are interested in adding a solar system to their property- whether for monetary gains through the microFIT program, or just to lower their carbon footprint by generating clean energy for local use. Read on to find out more on how you can maximize the value of your property by investing in your very own solar system!
Putting A Solar System On Your Property: Your Options
We’re often asked questions like “can SolarShare put solar panels on my house” or ‘’can you tell me how expensive it would be to buy a home solar system”?
SolarShare actually doesn’t do either of these. Rather, we lease commercial-scale rooftops and farmer’s fields, finance solar projects, and work with developers to build them. Then we sell solar bonds in them so that the community can invest in clean energy.
But we wanted to provide some helpful information for those of you who might want to go solar yourselves or would simply like to know your options.
1) Want to purchase a system for your property and connect to the grid?
Launched in 2009 as part of Ontario’s Green Energy Act, this program provides homeowners and other eligible participants with the opportunity to develop a small or “micro” renewable electricity generation project (10 kilowatts (kW) or less in size) on their property.
Under this program, homeowners are paid a guaranteed price over a 20-year term for all the electricity they produce and deliver to the province’s electricity grid. Those who take advantage of MicroFIT must finance the solar projects themselves and pay for the installation and development.
… Read more on SolarShare’s website
SolarShare is Canada’s leading renewable energy co-op. They make it easy for investors to earn an impressive return while doing something good for the planet. They develop commercial scale solar energy installations so that any Ontario resident can invest in them. When you choose to invest in SolarShare, 100% of your funds will directly finance solar projects across the province that are already built and producing stable revenue, like this one in Toronto.
Header Image Source: Solar panels on a wooden hut by Flickr user Mararie, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0