Estill Energy

Stone Road East
Guelph, Toronto, ON
N1G 2W1

Years in Business 3

CANSIA Member Yes

Estill Energy is a Guelph, Ontario-based company now servicing the Toronto market. We specialize in small solar installations, bringing sustainable living inventions to the market, and bringing books to publishers.

Company Information

Company Name Estill Energy Inc.
Sub Contractors Used (if any) Dunbar Electric, McPhie Contracting
Location of Company Office Guelph
# years in Business 2
# years in business of providing Solar PV systems 1
Size of Company (number of trained installers or subcontractors used) 3
Credentials of key individuals of company -Installers have taken solar PV installation course
# and examples of Solar PV systems installed 1 Residential 2.6kW system installed.
-System design:
Suntech 175 panels
Enphase Microinverters
Envoy monitoring system optional (view production here)
Description of Insurance Held $5 Million liability insurance, clean WSIB ticket for our company and contractors
Service Area Description Toronto, Guelph, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Mississauga, Milton, Halton Hills
List of References Coming soon
What is included in a “turnkey” offering and how you will serve the market Our turnkey solutions offering works like this:
-Detailed site survey and economic analysis. We provide a 25 page package and one-on-one meetings to discuss options.
-Permitting and regulatory assistance. We file all permits with local authorities, LDCs, and the OPA.
-Installation by qualified contractors.
-Three months free monitoring with Envoy monitoring option
-We will service, repair or replace any products which fall under manufacturer warrantee free of charge.
-Yearly maintenance package optional to check connections and clean panels.
Customer service statement that outlines your commitment to providing homeowners with a positive experience and quality service -We stand by our product and our installations. We will replace any parts that fall under manufacturers warrantee free of charge. Our contractors and staff are courteous and tidy, and work effectively with the homeowner to ensure a good installation.
-With the monitoring option, Estill Energy will monitor your power output remotely for the first two years to ensure there are no issues.


System Information

Details on the PV panels and inverters used -Suntech 175W panels: Suntech is a tier 1 solar company, they currently source 75% of their silicon from Ontario. Rated to 80% power output at 25 years. 5 year repair, replacement or refund warrantee.
-Enphase 190W Microinverters. Microinverters allow for increased production and point monitoring, particularly good for locations with some shading. 15 year manufacturer warrantee, mean time between failure of units is over 100 years.
How your system offering meets the microFIT Ontario Content provisions for 2010 -Ontario made racking – 9%
-Wiring and electrical hardware – 10%
-On and offsite labour – 27%
Total: 46%
Enphase is looking at Ontario Market opportunities, and Suntech is looking to get the credit for Ontario Silicon used. We expect to meet 2011 standards as well.
Expected production from your system combinations in kwh per installed KW for Toronto on a 30 degree sloped roof with due south orientation 1144kWh/kW installed, using our system configuration, assuming no shading.
We use the Solar Pathfinder to come up with our projections- allowing us to get exact numbers while taking shade into account.


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Our Mission

Our Power's mission is to facilitate massive change and growth in homeowner solar energy. We are a Not-For-Profit organization partnered with all key stakeholders in the industry to ensure sound business principles, access and fairness to all.

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