Toronto - RISE Again

Solar in 2009

13 Jan 2022

First off, let me offer some personal Happy New Year wishes to everyone. Someone told me the other day that we're too far into January to still be saying that. I haven't been in touch for awhile, so I think it's still appropriate.  It's going to be a great year for solar and a great year for RISE Again!

Steering Committee Participation Call

We had a great, involved and eager steering committee to help organize summer events and draft our Request for Proposals.

This winter we'll need volunteers to help organize more community out-reach and evaluate the responses we get from vendors.

If you're interested in participating as a member of the Steering Committee this winter, please let me know:

We're looking for people with a range of experience and backgrounds whether it's technical, planning, translating, advocating or even baking!

What's Next?

  • Let's get some momentum back!
  • Additional winter workshops and community meetings being scheduled for February and March with a similar format and content to the summer meetings.
  • Restart regular steering committee meetings as soon as the end of January.
  • Evaluate vendors who respond to a Request for Proposals to be released soon.
  • Get some solar systems installed this spring!

A lot of people have been patiently waiting and wondering how to get a solar system for their house.  Your support and interest is fantastic!  We're looking forward to getting our RISE Again group ramped up for spring installations.

What's Been Going On?

As I mentioned, it's been awhile since there's been an update from RISE Again.  Let me quickly run down what has been happening since our busy summer season:

  • Building Permits -  there were issues were blocking us from moving forward and being able to easily get solar systems installed, but lots of work with the city has been happening to remove that barrier.  The result has had province-wide impact on this process.
  • RISE Again Request for Proposals - RFPs have been drafted and we're at the point of asking solar vendors to submit proposals to install systems for RISE Again participants.  Timing has been worked out with the Solar Neighbourhoods program and these RFPs will be released very soon.
  • Green Energy Act - policy makers have been busily working on some new legislation to help make renewable energy implementation a lot easier in Ontario.  A lot of the experience from RISE Again and other Our Power groups is being taken into consideration with this new act. More info:
