Toronto - WISE

A local Ward 21 Meeting you may be interested in

03 Apr 2022

Green, Local and Resilient: How do we make it happen?


Special Green Neighbours 21 “Open Space” event –  bring your ideas!

Sunday, April 10

1:30-4:30 PM

Parlour Room, St. Matthew’s United Church

(southeast corner of St. Clair Ave. and Ruston Rd.)


In past meetings we’ve heard a lot about the threats posed by climate change, environmental collapse, and the end of cheap fossil fuels. We have also looked at some inspiring efforts to meet these threats by rebuilding communities in ways that are more locally-based, sustainable and resilient in the face of change. This special Sunday afternoon meeting will be a time to reflect on what we’ve learned and start making our plans for action. It will set the focus for our GN 21 activities in the months ahead. 


The meeting will draw on a process known as “Open Space” that has been very effective in helping community groups to identify goals and launch projects that reflect everyone’s shared concerns. Since there will be no prior agenda, the ideas we consider will all come from participants, while those we end up pursuing will be the ones that generate the most interest.


Please join us for this event!  Its success will depend on all of us – on the ideas and energies we bring.




Reminder Monday night 7 PM Solar Investment Co-op meeting

16 Jan 2022

 Dear WISE Project Supporters

Just a reminder about the Meeting this Monday night at 7 PM to learn more about an exciting new opportunity to invest in co-operatively owned solar systems through the Options for Green Energy Queen Street Solar Co-operative.  

Come out to the Green Neighbours 21 meeting on Monday January 17th to learn about this exciting development and help build the new energy system we will need in Toronto for the decades ahead.  To learn more about Options for Green Energy you can visit their website here.  

When:  Monday January 17th 7 PM
Where:  St Michael and All Angels Church 
(southeast corner St. Clair and Wychwood, enter from Wychwood, top floor
To help us plan the number of materials we need and ensure we have enough seating please RSVP to



Want to Invest in a Solar Investment Co-op?

09 Jan 2022

 Dear WISE Project Supporters

WISE Project participants have been actively installing solar projects on their own roofs for years.  But during those years many residents whose own roofs were not suitable or who did not own their own home asked us about the possibility of forming a co-op to collectively own a solar  system.  Well, now there is an exciting new opportunity to invest in co-operatively owned solar systems through the Options for Green Energy Queen Street Solar Co-operative.  

If you would like to know more come out to the Green Neighbours 21 meeting on Monday January 17th to learn about this exciting development and help build the new energy system we will need in Toronto for the decades ahead.  To learn more about Options for Green Energy you can visit their website here.  

When:  Monday January 17th 7 PM
Where:  St Michael and All Angels Church 
(southeast corner St. Clair and Wychwood, enter from Wychwood, top floor
To help us plan the number of materials we need and ensure we have enough seating please RSVP to



Reminder Eco Energy Fair at the Wychwood Barns this Sunday

25 Nov 2021

Dear All --  With cold weather coming, Green Neighbours 21 is once again giving homeowners a quick and convenient way to make their homes more energy efficient. And while you are getting all that advice you can talk to solar vendors as well.  So come out on Sunday.



Greenneighbours 21 Eco-Energy Fair

The wHOLE in your HOME SHOW

 Sunday, November 28th

1:00-4:00 pm

Wychwood Barns


(Christie, south of St. Clair)


 Cold Weather’s coming -- don’t let it into your home!


 Most older homes have air leaks -- if yours is typical, it could be like having a hole in your house the size of an open window.


 Now’s the time to stop those leaks and make your house more energy efficient. Greenneighbours 21 Eco-Energy Fair will give you everything you need  -- all in one place on one Sunday afternoon.


 - Learn about home energy audits – what they’ll tell you and how to use them to get government rebates. Meet certified auditors and sign up for an appointment on the spot.  Yes there still are rebates available from the Ontario Government for energy efficent investments in your home and to cover some of your energy audit.

- Got a project in mind? Meet with experienced contractors used by your neighbours to discuss your options for insulation, draft-proofing, energy-efficient furnaces, instantaneous hot water, and more.

- Stop by the displays of solar systems. Talk with experts about the options and whether one is right for you.

- Overwhelmed by all the choices? Not sure where to begin? many of your neighbour wil be there and can answer your questions and help you get started!



For more information:


Green Together was a project of Green Neighbours 21 in 2010 and was supported by grants from the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment through its Community Go Green Fund. Green Neighbours 21 is a local environmental group in the Ward 21 area of Toronto.


Come Out to the Eco Energy Fair at the Wychwood Barns Nov 28th

09 Nov 2021

Dear All --  We have had a good year under the new Solar PV Feed in Tariff rate of 80.2 cents per kwh and now it is time for the rest of us to think about going solar too!  And while you are talking to solar vendors at the Greenneighbours21 Eco Energy Fair on Sunday November 28th also talk to other vendors about the range of energy efficent actions you can take in your home.


Greenneighbours 21 Eco-Energy Fair

The wHOLE in your HOME SHOW

 Sunday, November 28th

1:00-4:00 pm

Wychwood Barns


(Christie, south of St. Clair)


 Cold Weather’s coming -- don’t let it into your home!


 Most older homes have air leaks -- if yours is typical, it could be like having a hole in your house the size of an open window.


 Now’s the time to stop those leaks and make your house more energy efficient. Greenneighbours 21 Eco-Energy Fair will give you everything you need  -- all in one place on one Sunday afternoon.


 - Learn about home energy audits – what they’ll tell you and how to use them to get government rebates. Meet certified auditors and sign up for an appointment on the spot.  Yes there still are rebates available from the Ontario Government for energy efficent investments in your home and to cover some of your energy audit.

- Got a project in mind? Meet with experienced contractors used by your neighbours to discuss your options for insulation, draft-proofing, energy-efficient furnaces, instantaneous hot water, and more.

- Stop by the displays of solar systems. Talk with experts about the options and whether one is right for you.

- Overwhelmed by all the choices? Not sure where to begin? many of your neighbour wil be there and can answer your questions and help you get started!



For more information:


Green Together was a project of Green Neighbours 21 in 2010 and was supported by grants from the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment through its Community Go Green Fund. Green Neighbours 21 is a local environmental group in the Ward 21 area of Toronto.


Solar Fair 2010 Launches Sunday, April 18th Wychwood Barns 12 - 4 PM

01 Mar 2022

Come Out to the Solar Fair Artscape Wychwood Barns
Sunday, April 18, 12 - 4PM

2 blocks south of St Clair West on Christie Ave

What's Planned for the day?

  1. Introductory Solar Seminars in the Public Gallery Room at 12 PM, 1:30 PM or 3 PM

  2. A chance to talk with your neighbours who have already installed solar systems

  3. Sign up for an On-line Solar Site Assessment if you have not already had one  

  4. Meet with Solar PV and Solar Hot Water Contractors about an installation on your home See their technologies first hand and get your questions answered

  5. Get information about City of Toronto Environment Programs

  6. Learn about the Artscape Wychwood Barns

    Stay Tuned for more details in the coming weeks

There has never been a better time to go solar and  earn great returns on your investment while you  whittle down your carbon footprint !

  • The new Green Energy Act and the microFIT program have made installing solar PV a great investment for Toronto Homeowners. 
  • In our neighbourhood 35 families are already feeding the electric grid and making an excellent economic return on their investment now that they receive 80.2 cents for every kilowatt hour they produce.
  • Over 4,400 applications have been submitted to the OPA microFIT program proving that Ontario residents are interested in renewable energy

This event is a project of the Our Power Program of the Toronto Renewable Energy Co-op (TREC) with the support of Councilor Joe Mihevc.

Additional Links of Interest

Your next Steps to Go Solar in 2010

1. Request an Our Power  solar site assessment of the solar potential of your roof.

2. If you want to install solar PV ths year apply for a microFIT contract right away.  For information click here.

3. Bring your site assessment to the Solar Fair on April 18th to discuss with the solar companies participanting in the event

4. Choose your solar provider and get started.

Down a bit further, there's a link right at the bottom which will take you off the list.

Our Power



Come Out to the Eco Energy Fair Green Barns Nov 1st

26 Oct 2021

Dear All --  Now that the Government of Ontario has set the new Solar PV Feed in Tariff rate at 80.2 cents per kwh and are allowing the early adopters in the WISE program to migrate their PV systems to the new rate it is time for the rest of us to think about going solar too!

Both ARISE Technologies and Greensaver will be attending the Eco Energy Fair and will be happy to talk with you about Going Solar.  Hope we will see there.

Green Together’s Eco-Energy Fair

The wHOLE in your HOME SHOW

 Sunday, November 1

1:00-4:00 pm

Wychwood Barns

(Christie, south of St. Clair)

 Cold Weather’s coming -- don’t let it into your home!

 Most older homes have air leaks -- if yours is typical, it could be like having a hole in your house the size of an open window.

 Now’s the time to stop those leaks and make your house more energy efficient. Green Together’s Eco-Energy Fair will give you everything you need  -- all in one place on one Sunday afternoon.

 - Learn about home energy audits – what they’ll tell you and how to use them to get government rebates. Meet certified auditors and sign up for an appointment on the spot.

- Got a project in mind? Meet with experienced contractors used by your neighbours to discuss your options for insulation, draft-proofing, energy-efficient furnaces, instantaneous hot water, and more.

- Stop by the displays of solar systems. Talk with experts about the options and whether one is right for you.

- Overwhelmed by all the choices? Not sure where to begin? Our trained volunteers can answer your questions and help you get started!

 Enter a draw for a free energy audit!


For more information:


Green Together is a project of Green Neighbours 21 and is supported by grants from the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment through its Community Go Green Fund. Green Neighbours 21 is a local environmental group in the Ward 21 area of Toronto.


WISE Project Update - Lots of Developments on the Solar Front in Ontario

13 Oct 2021

There have been major changes on the solar front in Ontario this month.  As you probably heard, the Ontario Government announced the details of its Feed in Tariff (FIT) program and its microFit Program for residential solar PV on September 24th.  They have already amended some of the details so it is important to check the OPA microfit website to be sure you have the most up to date information. The good news is they have simplified the application procedure and confirmed the price of 80.2 cents per kwh.  However, a key part of the Green Energy Act was to promote job growth in Ontario so they have included a substantial Ontario Domestic Content requirement - 40% in 2010 rising to 60% in 2011.  The contract holder will be required to ensure they have the documentation from their supplier verifying the Ontario content.  There is a detailed Domestic Content Grid available on the OPA microfit website. Our PV supplier Arise Technologies says they can provide systems today which meet the 40% domestic content threshold and will be able to meet the 60% content in 2011 as well.  If you are considering a solar PV system please contact WISE or ARISE so we can outline the changes and confirm  the details.  The 2009 packages have been altered and are no longer valid.

On the Solar Hot Water front there have also been developments.  Natural Resources Canada which manages the ecoEnergy grant program, announced that as of October 1st they would not be providing grants for smaller hot water systems such as those being installed under the WISE Project by Greensaver. Anyone who has completed a Home Energy Audit dated before September 30th can still obtain the grant. If you have already done an audit and want information on hot water systems contact Greensaver at

The ecoEnergy program is still providing grants of $2500 for the installation of larger 6 m2 systems such as the Enerworks systems being installed under the Bullfrog/Enbridge program.  We regret this change because we feel the smaller systems meet a particular market niche for an inexpensive system to meet the needs of small urban families but our protests were not heeded.



WISE Project 2009 is Launched

25 Jun 2022

The meeting on June 22nd went great and we have a number of people signed up all ready for installations including Councillor Joe Mihevc.  The 2009 pricing information is posted on the Downloads Section on this webpage - see below on the right.  If you are ready to have a system installed download the sign up sheet  and the self Assessment sheet.  Do the self assessment to ensure you are solar ready and then fill out the sign up sheet and either email it to us, fax it or drop it off at the address listed on the sheet.  If you still have questions send me an email with your questions and I will help you get answers or arrange a time to talk by phone if that is better.

Our vendor representative for ARISE Technologies  is Jerry Austin  - and to contact Greensaver send an email to

The new Feed in Tariff program details should be out soon confirming the FIT residential solar PV price of $0.802 per kwh.  The average production from a 2 KW system in Toronto is 2200 kwh per year which would generate 2200 x .802 = $1764 of income per year.   You can take a look at the performance of our systems by checking out the on-line data from Debra Anthony's system:


WISE 2009 Solar Pricing Information Now Available

19 Jun 2022

Dear All --  We have posted the pricing information for the 2009 WISE Solar PV and Solar Hot Water Packages on the Downloads Section of our website (see below on the right for Downloads section).  Arise Technologies and Greensaver will be available at the WISE Solar Information night on Monday June 22nd at 7 PM at St. Matthew's United Church corner of St Clair West and Rushton Road.

With the Green Energy Act passed into Law and the proposed rates for the Feed in Tariff program ready to come into force, the solar investment picture for Ontario residents looks like this:

1.       Limited investment risk.

2.       Typical R.O.I. of 8-9% annually every year for 20 years, based on the 80.2 cent/kwh rate for solar in the FIT program. 

3.       Simple payback times for a typical residential system reduced to 10 to 12 years before interest costs.

4.       The 20-year contract is transferable on sale of the property. 

5.       No maintenance costs expected for at least 15 years. 

6.       Preferential tax treatment.  No tax payable on solar revenues while you depreciate the capital cost of the system. 

7.       Service life of the system 30 to 40+ years. 

8.       Long component warranties of 10-25 years.

9.       RST rebate of approximately 3.4% of the system price. PV systems installed on a principal residence are eligible for the new federal Home Renovation Tax Credit ($1,350). 

We have been told by Toronto Hydro that they will be announcing the microFit (residential) program rules on June 23rd.

And don't forget that this year Government grants and tax credits taken together are available to reduce the costs of owning a solar hot water system by $3100.

There has never been a better time to Go Solar.  See you Monday night.



WISE Project 2009 Launches Monday, June 22nd 7 - 9 PM

07 Jun 2022

Upcoming WISE Project 2009 Launch

WISE 2009 Solar Information Night
Monday, June 22: 7- 9pm

St. Matthews United Church (corner of St Clair West and Rushton Road)
(Click for Map)

Come out and hear a Project Update and meet with our vendors ARISE Technologies for Solar PV and Greensaver for Solar Hot Water. They will both have displays and systems for you to inspect.

There has never been a better time to go solar and whittle down your carbon footprint! 

The Government of Ontario has increased the Feed In Tariff rate for residential solar to 80 cents per kwh from 42 cents.  The increase makes a solar system an excellent investment with a guaranteed 20 year return.

And both the Government of Ontario and Natural Resources Canada have increased their incentives on solar hot water systems so you now receive $2500 off the price.

What will be the 2009 price of the systems?

We hope to release the information on system pricing next week after we get final confirmation on Building Permit costs and the release of the Residential FIT program rules. Keep an eye out for an email from us next week or come out on the 22nd and hear it first hand.

Green Energy Act Becomes Law

Green Energy Act - The Green Energy Act became a law on May 14, 2009. This important piece of legislation paves the way for dramatic changes to our electricity system and should significantly increase the amount of renewable energy in Ontario.  More info:

Additional Links of Interest

WISE Project

6 June 2022

Strawberries & Asparagus Festival 2009

When:  June 20th

11AM - 5 PM

Where: Cedarvale Park

 A celebration of local food, solar energy, and public green space.

What's Next?

Visit the WISE Booth and our vendors at Strawberries & Asparagus

Stay tuned for an email next week

Come to the Solar Informatrion Night on June 22nd

Go Solar in 2009


Down a bit further, there's a link right at the bottom which will take you off the list.

Our Power



Winter 2009 Update

24 Feb 2022

The 2008 installation season was successful on the solar PV front as we pushed our total installs to 34 systems totalling 73.24 KW. But on the solar hot water front it was a frustrating season as we were stalled waiting for building permits from the City of Toronto and we have over 20 families still waiting for their installation approvals.  Greensaver has done a  yeoman's service working with engineers to get the approvals from the City and we have verbal assurances now our design solution is acceptable.  Stay tuned for updates as we negotiate the challenges of City Hall.

On an optimistic note the Ontario Government introduced its long awaited Green Energy Act on Monday February 23rd. The Act creates the opportunity for the Minister of Energy to direct the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) to develop an "attractive" tariff level for solar PV.  Reports suggest he will initiate a consultation through the OPA in the next three weeks to determine an appropriate Tariff level for roof top solar.  Rumours suggest they understand it has to be increased significantly in order to get the kind of uptake they would like.  They also talk about a "best in class" Feed in Tariff which means they should be looking at an inflation adjusted tariff too.  There is also a reference to providing zero or low interest loans for solar and energy efficent upgrades to homes but no details yet. Finally it looks like the Federal government tax credit for home renovations included in the January Federal Budget will cover solar systems as well so that would add a further tax credit to the mix.  So lots of good news on the solar frontand we should begin to have more clarity over the next couple of months. 

We will be reinvigorating the WISE Project once there is some certainity with the numbers so check back often and keep an eye out for an email from us.



West Toronto Initiative for Solar Energy (WISE)

10 Aug 2022

A Great Success in 2007 with more to come in 2008

Our project aims to demystify solar technology, simplify product research and the purchase decision, and create the opportunity for participants to decrease their personal environmental footprint while contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto.


Solar Homes Tour A Great Success June 14th

10 Aug 2022

This year at the Strawberries and Asparagus Festival, the Toronto Renewable Energy Co-operative launched the first ever free and guided residential solar tour.  This exciting new initiative gave 50+ participants the chance to view the featured photovoltaic or solar thermal installations and an opportunity to speak with homeowners about their solar experience.  You can see a copy of the Solar Homes Tour brochure here and access the interesting article on the Tour published in the Globe and Mail Real Estate section on Friday, June 13th here.

If you have any questions regarding the solar tours specifically feel free to contact us via phone at 416 977 5093 or email at we considering doing more of these in the future.


WISE Solar Project in the News

10 Aug 2022

Read all about the success of the WISE Solar Project in the April 2008 edition of Canadian Geographic.  Pick it up at a newstand near you or read a synopsis of the story here .

   For a video clip about the WISE Project go to    City TV News blog site.


2008 Solar Information Kit

10 Aug 2022

Solar information meetings were held on March 4th and 25th. Over 100 people came out to learn about solar energy, about energy audits, about what their neighbours have done, about how they can get involved this year and to meet our vendors.

The Fair this year was held in conjunction with Greenneighbours 21 and the Conservation Council of Ontario .

The Solar Information Kit distributed at the March 25th WISE meeting is available for downloading.

2008 Solar Information Kit

Kit Components

ARISE Technologies System Package Info

After you have read over the material you can:

  1. Fill out the on-line form on the website to your right and use the drop down menu to indicate whether you would like an email or phone  consultation or if you are ready to buy.  We will be in touch.
  2. Submit your sign-up letter. After going over the material and doing your site assessment, if you have made your decision to go ahead download the sign-up letter, fill it in, and submit it as an email attachment to, by fax to 416-599-3100 or drop it off at 248 Rushton Road.
  3. Visit the websites of our vendors - ARISE Technologies, Globe Solar Energy and Green$aver.
  4. Note:  Prices quoted are for installations within the project boundaries - Dupont St., Spadina Rd., Briar Hill Cres., Keele St. Vendors may charge more for installations beyond these boundaries.




WISE Project 2007 Report

10 Aug 2022

The West Toronto Initiative for Solar Energy (WISE) is a community-led renewable energy project to organize the bulk purchase of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) and Solar Hot Water (SHW) systems by residents of West Toronto. As of Dec/07 we had 46 systems installed and another 40 scheduled for installation as soon as the weather permited in spring/08. The project demystifies solar technology, simplifies product research and the purchase decision, creating the opportunity for participants to decrease their personal environmental footprint while contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto.

The numbers were impressive. WISE 2007 had 160 requests for home site evaluations. Only 14 homes proved unsuitable for an installation. Of the remaining 146 homes, 86 systems were ordered as of December 1/07 and we hope many more will commit come spring 2008. Participants are  investing  more than $160,000 for 60 solar hot water systems installed by Globe Solar Energy and $570,000 for 26 solar electric systems, totalling 57 Kilowatts of capacity, installed by ARISE Technologies. And these systems are already having an impact displacing natural gas or feeding electricity to the grid reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions in Toronto. But much more needs to be done. 

If you want to view some of the 2007 installations click on the links below for Web Albums of some Solar thermal installations and some of the PV sites. There is also a link to an excellent Map with our installation sites on it.  And we have made our original RFP document available for people who may be planning their own Solar Initiative.  Finally we have a link to an excellent presentation about the WISE Solar Project and the Downtown West Solar Project which David Booz and Ken Traynor made to the CANSIA National Solar Conference in November 2007.  Check it out.  It is the best summary of our projects, warts and all, that is available.  We hope you find the information useful.

View our presentation to the CANSIA 2007 National Solar Conference click on the David Booz et al presentation

View a Web Album of some WISE Project Solar Hot Water Installations

View a Web Album of some WISE Project Solar PV Installations

View a Map of our 2007 WISE project Installation Sites

Original WISE Project 2007 Request for Proposals Document


                WISE Project 2007 Installation Sites
Brief WISE Project Chronology/History
  • June – Sep./06 Three public recruitment meetings
  • Nov/06 - Standard Offer Program (SOP) announced
  • January – April/07 - RFP development
  • May 1 circulation of RFP by OSEA and CANSIA
  • May 24 to June 7 - vendor selection
  • June 14 website updated with solar information kit, prices and web links to the two winning contractors, ARISE and Globe Solar
  • June 14 Solar information email sent to 300+
  • June 19 first Solar information night with vendors 150 attended generating 72 home visit requests.
  • July 5 first Solar Hot Water installation completed
  • July 11 second Solar info night staged increasing request for home evaluations to 111
  • July 15 first PV array installation completed
  • July 16 first SOP contract application submitted
  • July 20 closure of eligibility for vendor discounts based on confirmed sales. Registration now 145
  • Both ARISE and Globe Solar hire local residents as representatives to accelerate participant contact
  • September 17 first 11 SOC issued, Oct 1st 9 more
  • September 26 first dual meter base and inverter installed
  • November 14th first PV system hooked up to the grid!
  • March 4th WISE Solar fair starts Phase 2

Please circulate information about the WISE Project to any friends, neighbours or colleagues you feel would be interested.

Help make WISE the largest residential solar project in Canada.

If you have questions email and put WISE Question in the Subject line.


West Toronto Initiative for Solar Energy

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Our Power's mission is to facilitate massive change and growth in homeowner solar energy. We are a Not-For-Profit organization partnered with all key stakeholders in the industry to ensure sound business principles, access and fairness to all.

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