Ontario - Thornhill Solar

1st Annual OSEA Community Power Conference 2009 – Ontario Sustainable Energy Association

29 Sep 2021

The Thornhill Solar Project is happy to support the upcoming OSEA Community Power Conference.

Nov. 15-16
1st Annual OSEA Community Power Conference 2009 – Ontario Sustainable Energy Association

Community Power – It’s everybody’s business now           

Join us and learn everything you need to know about creating a successful Community Power project.
This two-day conference includes over 25 seminars and workshops on financing, the Ontario Power Authority’s feed-in tariff programs, solar for residential/warehouse applications, First Nation renewable energy projects, the hottest technology and the Green Energy and Green Economy Act.

The conference will be attended by key government officials and industry experts who will answer your questions and share local case studies to advance your business models and your triple bottom line.
Join Honourary Chair, Dr. David Suzuki, and OSEA in making Ontario a national leader with our innovation, accountability and commitment to sustainable energy.
www.cpconference.ca or info@cpconference.ca

Community Power – It’s everybody’s business now

Great exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities available!

Nov. 16-18, Free to attend, visit the 2009 Power Networking Centre, hosted jointly by OSEA and the Association of Power Producers of Ontario.


Phase 2 of Thornhill Solar Initiative Underway last chance to do your assessment and sign up

29 Jun 2022

Dear Thornhill Solar participant,

Thanks for your interest in Solar Energy.  We have moved on to Phase 2 of the project as outlined in my earlier email on May 30th.  Phase 2 of the project is aimed at working with people who are ready to buy either a solar PV or solar hot water system and begin discussions with vendors.


We have issued a request for expressions of interest and are getting responses from vendors.  If you would still like to get in on this round of the project please complete the steps below and we will add you to the list.  If you are not ready to sign on at this time, stay tuned for reports on things as they develop.


Step 1 - Please download and complete either the solar PV (click here for PV) or solar hot water (click here for SHW) self assessments, or both, and return the form to us by July 5th. You can send the completed forms to us by email to thornhillsolar@ourpower.ca, by fax to 416-977-2157.


Step 2 – Join the vendor evaluation committee. We will be engaging vendors, evaluating proposals and organizing an evening of vendor presentations for the buying group.


Step 3 – The Group makes a final vendor selection decision and moves forward with installations.


So please complete the attached solar self-assessment and send it to us now.  There has never been a better time to Go Solar.


Phase 2 of Thornhill Solar Initiative Underway

30 May 2022

Dear Thornhill Solar participant,

Thanks for your interest in Solar Energy.  We are ready to move on to Phase 2 of the project.  As you will have heard the Province of Ontario Green Energy and Economy Act has been passed and the Ontario Power Authority is finalizing the Solar PV tariff rates to be paid.  The Ontario Power Authority (OPA) reports that they will have the final FIT program rules and confirmed pricing to release in early June.  Their second draft price for residential solar PV, released on May 12th, was kept at 80.2 cents per kwh.  We will send you details as soon as that happens. 

The Federal and Provincial Governments have also significantly increased their incentives for Solar Hot Water under the Eco Energy program and you now can receive $2500 of incentives for installing a solar hot water system. You must have an Eco Energy home audit done to access these incentives. We will be meeting with the Town of Markham soon to finalize details about any Building Permit requirements for either solar PV or solar hot water installations.

Phase 2 of the project is aimed at working with people who are ready to buy either a solar PV or solar hot water system and begin discussions with vendors.  

Step 1 - Please download and complete either the solar PV (click here for PV) or solar hot water (click here for SHW) self assessments, or both, and return the form to us by June 15th. You can send the completed forms to us by email to thornhillsolar@ourpower.ca, by fax to 416-977-2157.

Step 2 – Join the vendor evaluation committee. We will be engaging vendors, evaluating proposals and organizing an evening of vendor presentations for the buying group.

Step 3 – The Group makes a final vendor selection decision and moves forward with installations.

So please complete the attached solar self-assessment and send it to us now.  There has never been a better time to Go Solar.


Phase 2 of Thornhill Solar Initiative Underway

30 May 2022

Dear Thornhill Solar participant,

Thanks for your interest in Solar Energy.  We are ready to move on to Phase 2 of the project.  As you will have heard the Province of Ontario Green Energy and Economy Act has been passed and the Ontario Power Authority is finalizing the Solar PV tariff rates to be paid.  The Ontario Power Authority (OPA) reports that they will have the final FIT program rules and confirmed pricing to release in early June.  Their second draft price for residential solar PV, released on May 12th, was kept at 80.2 cents per kwh.  We will send you details as soon as that happens. 

The Federal and Provincial Governments have also significantly increased their incentives for Solar Hot Water under the Eco Energy program and you now can receive $2500 of incentives for installing a solar hot water system. You must have an Eco Energy home audit done to access these incentives. We will be meeting with the Town of Markham soon to finalize details about any Building Permit requirements for either solar PV or solar hot water installations.

Phase 2 of the project is aimed at working with people who are ready to buy either a solar PV or solar hot water system and begin discussions with vendors.  

Step 1 - Please download and complete either the solar PV (click here for PV) or solar hot water (click here for SHW) self assessments, or both, and return the form to us by June 15th. You can send the completed forms to us by email to thornhillsolar@ourpower.ca, by fax to 416-977-2157.

Step 2 – Join the vendor evaluation committee. We will be engaging vendors, evaluating proposals and organizing an evening of vendor presentations for the buying group.

Step 3 – The Group makes a final vendor selection decision and moves forward with installations.

So please complete the attached solar self-assessment and send it to us now.  There has never been a better time to Go Solar.


Thornhill Solar Next Step to Issue RFP for Vendors

08 May 2022

We hosted a terrific 3rd public meeting on April 27th. Over 50 attendees heard about the latest developments & incentives from our presenters.

 So things are happening!

 Where are we at? This summer The Thornhill Solar Initiative is moving to its next phase. Community members will have the opportunity to follow through with the “Solar Dream” and make our community greener that it has ever been! We intent to solicit bids for householders & industry/commercial entities who would like to install Solar Panels on their roofs.

 So stay tuned! In the weeks ahead this will happen and we will be in touch. If you would like to give an “I’m in!!” at this time, please contact me. We will gladly commence listing parties who are comfortable to proceed. Of course, if you have any further questions we’re here to help. Your decision must be comfortable and informed. Don’t forget to have your home assessed for its energy status with a Home Energy Audit! This will ensure you maximize your financial rebates/incentives!! Herewith the folks at the Windfall Ecology Center can assist.

 And of course, spread the good word!!

Kind regards                  “Let the sun shine!!”                    (From the musical “Hair”)

Jonathan Maister


Next Solar Information Night April 27th 7:30 PM

25 Mar 2022

Thank you to the 100+ people who came out on March 24th.  It was great to see a packed room and we apologize for the standing room only situation and our lack of a projector.  We will get a larger room for the next Solar Information night on April 27th.  A copy of the Presentation made by Ken Traynor from Ourpower is available for viewing in the Download section to the right of this website.

 Solar Information Night for April 27th at 7:30 PM

Thornhill Community Centre, in the Large Hall

7755 Bayview Avenue,

on the northeast corner of Bayview Avenue and John St .




Next Solar Power Night is March 24th 7:30 PM

15 Feb 2022

Come out on Tuesday March 24th, 7:30 PM for our next Solar Power Public Meeting. 

Thornhill Community Centre, in the BoardRoom,

7755 Bayview Avenue,

on the northeast corner of Bayview Avenue and John St . 

More dates to be scheduled on a monthly basis. If you can not make the March meeting take a look at the Presentation from the January meeting in the Downloads section to the right.

For a report of the January meeting click here for an interesting blog post and here for an article in yorkregion.com.

Please email us thornhillsolar@ourpower.ca  if you re coming on March 24th.  See you there.

If you have any questions about the neighbourhood meetings in the mean time, please contact us:  thornhillsolar@ourpower.ca


Neighbourhood Meetings Begin January 19th!

23 Dec 2021

What better way to ring in the New Year!?

Our Neighbourhood meetings are getting underway for 2009.

The first date will be January 19th, at 7:30 PM at Thornhill Community Centre, in the Fireside Lounge, 7755 Bayview Avenue, on the northeast corner of Bayview Avenue and John St . 

More dates to be scheduled on a monthly basis. 

Please email us thornhillsolar@ourpower.ca  if you re coming on the 19th.  See you there.

If you have any questions about the neighbourhood meetings in the mean time, please contact us:  thornhillsolar@ourpower.ca


Stay Tuned for Information about our Spring 2009 Public Meetings

06 Oct 2021

We postponed our planned fall meetings when the Federal Election was called.

The Thornhill solar effort will be holding public meetings in the spring.  In the meantime we are working with the Windfall Ecology Centre, the Town of Markham, our Ward 1 and 2 Councilors and the residents of Thornhill  to develop our plans.  Sign up on this website and we will keep you informed.

Stay tuned!


Sun Worship in Thornhill - going Solar

10 Aug 2022

Much has been spoken about the benefits of Solar Power, and few dispute its outstanding potential. Yet up till now it has been a rare entity, especially at the domestic level. But that is changing in a big way….

 A major solar initiative is underway in Thornhill. A group of concerned citizens in Thornhill has decided to “follow the sun.” Following the amazing publicity provided by the journal, “Canadian Geographic,” it became known that a similar project was successful in west end Toronto. A group of citizens banded together, researched the industry, its providers, the economic benefits and formed an organisation to arrange a bulk purchase of solar power systems for their homes. It was an unqualified success! 
Thornhill citizens have contacted these trailblazers and with their help we intend covering York Region with solar panels beginning in Thornhill! To stay informed and receive updates and notice of the meetings, please sign-up to our email list on this web page.

Here’s the plan:  In the spring there will be comprehensive information sessions for all interested homeowners, condominiums, and industry. All technical questions will be answered, financial considerations explained, arrangements with Powerstream (our local electrical utility) clarified as well as a full description of how this initiative will evolve from inception to completion. The sheer beauty of the process is that it has been done before by our friends in west end Toronto! It will be implemented simply, with all red tape, legal considerations, municipal stipulations, bid tendering etc, taken care of.

The objective is simple. Any Thornhill homeowner or business concern can invest in solar power with the process being fully researched, simple and painless as possible.

Specifics will be available at the public meetings, but here are a few considerations. And look at the other examples here on the Our Power website.

1)    You may choose to use the electricity generated by your panels. This reduces your electricity bill to the mandatory administrative charges from the power utility, plus any excess electricity you draw from the utility company. Any excess electricity your panels produce the utility company gladly accepts albeit with no payment.

2)    With the second option you may choose to provide the utility with the electricity your panels produce. For this you are paid 42c per kWh, guaranteed for the next 20 years. This is known as “The Standard Offer Contract” from the Ontario Power Authority.  The power your home/business uses you draw from the electricity pool. For this you pay the going rate per kWh – a whole lot less. You are thus a co-provider of electricity but you are paid a lot more for what you provide that what you consume.

3)    You may opt to piggyback batteries in your system to hold the power in reserve. This works well in an outage, but draws from your overall electricity production and costs more to install.

4)    Solar panels may be used to heat water rather than produce electricity. The payback is sooner and reduces your reliance on fossil fuels or natural gas to heat your water. This system does not produce electricity, but reduces your reliance on outside sources to heat your water.

In all cases you save money in the long run and reduce your environmental footprint!

In the weeks ahead we hope to introduce the public to everything they need to know. They will be able to make an educated decision on whether solar panels and their advantages would work for them.

The public meetings will serve to inform the public on everything they would want to know about this initiative, as well as ascertain a list of parties who would like to be included in this exciting project.

To be fast forwarded onto our Thornhill Solar Initiative list, enter your details in the WebForm on this page or contact Jonathan Maister at: thornhillsolar@ourpower.ca

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Our Mission

Our Power's mission is to facilitate massive change and growth in homeowner solar energy. We are a Not-For-Profit organization partnered with all key stakeholders in the industry to ensure sound business principles, access and fairness to all.

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